Yellow Ananda

Welcome to my east-looking garden.

A flow of salutations, a circle of breaths. Presence. When I stop, I feel the earth moving. If I were to disappear, would it continue to move?



Boxes left and right, sticky labels on high towers. I wonder who will come out of these towers.



Spiderwebs everywhere in this lonely place. I use them to rebound even higher, and make a story of their silk.



Hundreds of obstacles, and no son of Parvati to remove them. A broken tusk in my hand, I hum a comforting tune and hope for the best.



I looked everywhere: behind your gaze, under your breath, on top of the world. There was no spoon to be found.



Hortator standing proud, exhorting the oars to push the sea away. The sea does not care. It knows it just happens to be in the way.



Mountain pose. Moving in, moving out. In to our sacred space, outside of our comfort zone.



With a single breath, I dissolve boundaries, tear down their borders, unify our fields. Siblings walk hand in hand, elders sigh in relief. We're one.



Tick, tock, went the clock. One thousand sixty one days, I survived. The alarm rings: it's time to live.



Sleepwalking godhead, open your eyes. The infant ghosts parading in your musing dreams request your attention. Will you give it to them?

