Yellow Ananda

Welcome to my east-looking garden.

Dragons break, time rewinds, cycles explode. In the comfort of our homes, we tell the tales of things that never were.



His dancing fingers caress the golden sand to write meaning. Three words in one. The wind will blow the words away, and they'll forget. The fingers will remember the dance until the end.



In all directions, I bow to you. In a blissful exhale, I whisper your secret name. The seal is broken, and the curse with it.



I will join the safety of your divine dance, and meet myself. Gently tapping the Earth, my witness, I spin and I spin, drunk on my own loving-kindness.



Sticks and stones and my broken bones, laid out in imperfect symmetry: my shattered ego splashed all over the cold floor, with dignity and ease.



Brownian or Pink, you show up uninvited under my bodhi tree and sow your irregular pearl in my peaceful fields. I pray more trees will grow out of this noise.



You beat your restless drums in my center, awakening Fear and Shame. I blow them up like candles and make a wish. May you be free from suffering.



Your messengers are walking round in circles, purposeless. Meaning has been long lost inside your walls. Throw your calendars away and submit. I'll be here by your side, dear Kōnstantinoupolis.



Leaves in a simmering whirlpool, dancing in a purple clay teapot. Warm, soothing water under my tongue. Chá is my treasure.



Mind and body perfectly still, hitting the speed of light, approaching infinity. Bliss is all there is among the stars. In bliss, the stars witness.


September rain

September Rain © 2024 by Jonathan Landicheff is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

#onesentenceaday #visualart