Yellow Ananda

Welcome to my east-looking garden.

I have shed multiple skins. No skin-shedding ritual was a painful as this one, and none so beautiful.



Lots of coins, and too few cups to hold them. Not enough swords to keep the wands away. Unseen, quiet, inner-centered. One word, Bāṭin.



Finding no rest in sleepless nights, I turn to the moon for wisdom, only to find her mute and invisible.



Towers collapse outside while in the shadow of my library I build a cathedral. Whatever rises from the dust, I will cherish it.



The scars of what never happened inflict more pain than their habitual torture. In chaos, even the consistency of discomfort feels nurturing.



Sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree. The orphan fruit rolls down the path of the Fool, undisturbed, unblushing.



When your teary eyes reflect the version of me I want to be, when the anguish in your falling eyebrows invites me to fall with you, all I do is hide. In my footsteps I leave the secret hope for your embrace.



Norns in disguise sometimes appear at the most unexpected moment. Tell me not what is to come, what is to fear, what is to hope. I would rather you broke my heart open so that light can enter it.



In the lands of disconnect, the traumatized is free. In the alien lavender fields, circles are walked, and not by me.



The salty air of your Phocean streets grabs my hand to take me on a journey with no destination but the Now.

